Artist, Tim Laurin explores his personal collection of post-WWII figurines creating staged still-llifes. The result will be an installation/exhibition at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto, as part of UpART - Oct 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Latest Prints....
Complete Service, Phototype on Kitakata, 46 by 36 cm, 2011. This still life incorporates an album by Anita Bryant called "Abiding Love" along with a great corn-on-the-cob serving set (in the original display box) that I found at a Thrift Shop. The figurine conversation started off with a kicking-kid offering the demure Virgin Mary a swig of milk. Beside Mary is a most phallic cactus and lurking overhead is a double-image of a sporty dog, complete with tartan top-hat!
Baby Album, Phototype on Kitakata, 50 by 44 cm, 2011. I seem to have a plethora of adorable lamb figurines, which is not surprising since lambs so perfectly symbolize the joyous innocence that a new birth brings, and I am certain they were popular sellers during the post war baby-boom. Along with my cutesy lambs we have a peach shaped cookie jar (which really just looks like a bum) and the quintessential cluster of grapes - that for centuries have adorned so many still lifes. My grapes, however, are made of a wondrous rubbery plastic. Surrounding this assemblage is several cameras (equally wondrously plastic) that also became a symbol of the optimistic 50's. Topping it all off, is one of my favourite anthropomorphized objects within my collection, the lady buy salt-and-pepper shaker! What were they thinking? "I know, lets turn a lady bug into a human, giver her heart shaped pupils, long eye lashes and a crown-like head wrap.... but wait, we will turn them into salt-and-peper shakers just to make them useful."
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Curator and Catalogue Author
Amazing news, we have managed a major coup - Denis Longchamps PhD has agreed to be the exhibition curator and catalogue author. The Montreal-based educator/curator brings his expertise in historic ceramics along with his knowledge of the genre known as "still-life" to this project. The installation at upART (Gladstone Hotel, Toronto, Canada) will be presented by Frances Thomas Art Projects but Denis has agreed to work with Frances and I to curate the collection and has written an insightful essay that places my work in context both historically as well as aesthetically.
Denis received his PhD in art history from Concordia University in 2009 and was a research fellow at the Yale Center for British Art in 2010. An independent writer and curator, he has contributed essays, articles and reviews to magazines and journals. He is the publisher and managing editor of Cahiers métiers d’art : Craft Journal.